Thursday, April 24, 2008

Happy Birthday, Brayden....

I meant to post this on Sunday (his actual birthday), but I left my camera at Denise's house and she brought it to me last night... SO... thus the reason I'm just now posting this!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Long Time - No Blog....

I haven't felt well this past week - I'm feeling some better this week.... I've been having trouble breathing - I feel like I'm smothering to death, my heart is racing, my ear is hurting, I feel like I have a lump in my throat and it's restricting my air flow, I feel like I'm going to pass out, I feel like I can't get enough oxygen to my brain, my left side of my face was numb last Tuesday and my left leg was numb as well.... So, needless to say I felt like crap all last week! I didn't do much at all besides work and lay around (propped up - because I can't breathe laying down)...........

I made a doctor's appointment last Thursday to see my doc on Friday with the urging of my husband, mother-in-law and a couple of friends... I really didn't want to go... Saying I "hate" going to the doctor is an understatement..... Anyway, I went to my appointment and they checked my blood pressure and it was 140/104, so she proceeded to check my blood pressure two more times - both arms - and it was the same all three times... Then she wanted to do a EKG on my heart to see if everything was normal (thankfully, it was fine) so... She put me on blood pressure medicine and I go back on Thursday to have blood work taken to check my thyroid and to have a complete work-up done on me! My doctor scheduled me for a Eckocardigram on May 9, to make for sure the valves of my heart are opening and closing like they are suppose too.... So - for the next two weeks my days off are filled with Dr. appointments! Yeah... I just can't wait(sarcastic)!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Basketball/Park Day....

Dawson informed me today that "since football season is over with, he's taking a break and he's going to focus on basketball now." Oh yeah! hahaha... SO, he asked if "we could go by the basketball court and let him practice some hoops....." SO... After school, I took Dawson and Jackson to the Basketball Court / Park.... What a pleasant day to be outside.... I took my book with me to read while the kids played, but Jackson had different plans for me... He wanted to be pushed on the swing - the whole time we were there.... Oh well, as long as they had fun, that's all that matters to me!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Audrey Caroline....

My friend sent me a link to this blog today and I started reading it and it's just amazing... This women has to be one of the most remarkable women ever.... What a journey she's had over the last few months... She's just amazing! I would love to met her! Read if you please.... Even after all she's been through, she's ready and willing to uplift and encourage someone!

I don't know this young lady personally, but my heart goes out to her... I spent all afternoon crying for this person - I don't even know...... She chooses to trust God and not be angry or bitter....... She has such a testimony!

When you get to her blog - click where is says click here to start from the beginning (upper left hand corner)...

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Aren't they cute?

Heather and Stephen...

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Bora, Bora....

I would love to vacation here.... A hut out in the middle of the water with a glass floor so you can see the water and the fish! Oh my...

C.O.D.E 2008

Received the flyer the other day for Drama Conference! I look forward to this conference every year.... It's nice to get away with friends and have a good time! It's fun to learn new stuff as well and watch all the groups perform!

Happy birthday!

April 4: Happy Birthday, Aunt Roxann... I hope your day was great.. Just like yoU! :)

Friday, April 4, 2008

We All Need Encouragement.....

We all need encouragement…sometimes we even need it desperately.

We all face those moments, hours or even days when our hearts take a nosedive and our world looks dreary.

A word or an act of encouragement has the ability to lift our hearts and our spirits. Encouragement is like a lifeline on days we feel we are sinking.

Learning the art of encouraging others builds within us a shelter of hope, which helps hold us when we need a lift in our own heart.

We should give support.
We should show honor.
We should bring hope.

Does your own heart need to receive encouragement today? Are you looking for hope yourself? We cannot offer what we do not have.

I'm so thankful in my own life - God has sent people along the way at different times to give me encouraging words... God has sent the right person in my life, at just the right time - to be a friend and an encouragement to me.... I'm so thankful for God and all that he does... He knows our hearts !

Good, positive, true, honest and trustworthy friends are sometimes hard to find and I'm so thankful I have some in my life - that are not only all of the above, but they are encouragers as well!

I want to strive to be this kind of friend... I want to possess all those qualities as well!

I'm so thankful - he's still working on me and I'm still striving to be what He wants me to be!

Every flower that ever bloomed had to go through A whole lot of dirt to get there!

My Girlies.....

My beautiful sister, Heather... I love this girl dearly! She's faithful and true... She's trustworthy, talented, smart, cute, funny, a wonderful sister, an amazing aunt, She's sweet, caring, and she's a fabulous friend to me!
I'm so proud of you, Heather! I love you with all my heart and I'm "always" here for you! You're one of the most amazing people I know and don't ever let anyone tell you any different! You've been through some difficult things in the past few years and I'm so proud of you! I'm glad to not only call you my sister, but you are truly one of my very best friends!

I love this little girl as well! She's a sweetheart, she's as cute as can be, She so good with Jackson and he just loves her too..... Miquela is a beautiful girl, witty, sweet, talented, an artist, she's smart, funny, an actress of sorts (especially today when she was hungry), She makes me smile!

I love both you girlies...

Go Jump...

Jackson - utter enjoyment... I love to see him smile and laugh. I love to make him happy!

Miquela enjoying herself as well...

Bray - Bray....

We took the kids to Go-Jump on Thursday.... The kids were going crazy in the house, so I took them to let them work some of their energy out.... We had a fun afternoon! I hadn't planned on doing anything on Thursday and the the kids got rowdy, so I got them both dressed and we headed out. Somehow, I didn't get Mason in any of the pictures. Met my friend and her kids there as well!

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I want to publicly say Thank you to everyone who participated in making my birthday a very special day for me!

I appreciate all the gifts, kind words, comments on my blog, comments on my space and Everyone's Connected, phone calls, taking me to breakfast, taking me to dinner, money, bath-n-body set, House-shoes, Candle, Cards, E-cards, Gift cards.... I appreciate it all....


Happy 16th Anniversary...

Happy Anniversary to Tammy and Nathan......

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Happy Birthday, Friends...

March 28: Happy Birthday, Kim....

March 31: Happy Birthday, Angie....

I meant to post these on your b-days... Please, forgive me! Please? :)

1st Female - Pentecostal Astronaut on the Moon....

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


I haven't felt well this evening... I've had a headache and eyes have been hurting as well.... I layed down this evening to take a nap and see if I could get my headache to ease up a bit... I felt much better when I woke up....

My Dack-Dack didn't get a nap this afternoon, so he was wore out...

I was laying down - and Jackson got quiet, so I got up to look for him and I found him in the dining room asleep with Spencer... They are both out of it! So sweet.

Change of Plans...

Caribbean Resort...

The Beach.... We are just steps away from the beach...

Our room is Oceanfront as well...

Outdoor Pool...

Children's Splash Pool...

Children's Splash Pool....

Outdoor Pool

Outdoor Pool and Hot Tub....

Outdoor Lazy River...

Indoor Lazy River...

Indoor Children's Splash Pool...

Indoor Pool...

We aren't doing the Gatlinburg thing this fall... Jenni wasn't going to be able to travel the month we were planning on going, so we are going to wait and go maybe next year... Plus, I heard something about our whole Mcknight family going in December sometime.... So, with us going in December, we didn't want to go twice within the same year and that close together, so we chose Myrtle Beach, SC as our vacationing spot this year!

I am looking forward to Myrtle, Beach! We will be gone 8 days and I can't wait.. I love vacations... Our reservations are in August... I'm hoping it's not toooo crowded.... My children love water, so they will be content to play in a pool all day and the place we are staying has plenty of pools...

I'm a little nervous about the balcony... Jackson is a climber and I will just have to keep my eyes on him every second... We will definately have a talk with Jackson and Dawson about the balcony... No jumping up over the side to see, no getting a chair to get a better view... None of the above! Scares me to even think about it!

Last one....

Last week we were at Grandma's house visiting her - and out of the blue, Dawson said "Grandma, do you think Jackson could stay with you while my mom, dad and I go on vacation?" I said - "Dawson!" He said "what, mom... I actually want to enjoy my vacation this year." He said - "if he goes - all he'll be doing is running around crazy everywhere.."

I don't know where he comes up with this stuff... he's too funny!

My sweet, loving, always thinking of others, caring, funny, witty and talented 9 year old bought this movie for my birthday and then he asked me: " if we could share it?" Thanks, son....
He also asked me "if we could postpone my birthday till Thursday night, because he would miss biggest loser if we went to eat on Tuesday night." Always thinking of others - that's my son!

April 1, 2004....

Happy Birthday to me!
LeAnna (my neice) and Jackson...

Dawson and LeAnna....

I turned 34 on Tuesday, April 1.... I had to work all day and then we had a wonderful family dinner at Old Hickory Grill in the Sheraton Hotel.... It was very nice.... I really enjoyed my day and time with my family! Thanks to my family for making my day very special! Thanks for the gifts and cake and everything! I had a great time! :)

Here are a few pictures from Tammy's blog (my sister-in-law) from last night....

Thanks to my friend, Denise... She was going to come and take me to lunch... But.... I had to work... Thank you !!!!!!


Jackson has an ocd thing going on with the handles on my desk.... He can't stand for them to be down... If they are down, he comes and pushes them up like this picture shows... Too funny. It drives me crazy because I have this ocd thing as well, but for me the handles have to be down! SO... We are constantly going behind each other and fixing the handles the way we want them!

FINALLY Put Together....

David finally put together the Diego Jeep we bought for Jackson back in November (it was a Christmas present) .... Jackson loves it! He is the cutest thing in it too!